Enclosed are the unified assessment sheets, check lists, and the icon-matched posters for each of the lessons. I cannot stress enough how grateful I am to David Bailey and other developers for getting such a polished piece together in time. Do download everything.
Please notice that every file has its lesson ID number in the lower right-hand corner. It's brilliant stuff, and something you can get familiar with right now.
You will find the following:
Skill Checklist (XLSX)
Self and Peer Assessment (Evaluation Sheets, DOCX)
Posters for each Grade
(All DOCX file format)
Please notice that every file has its lesson ID number in the lower right-hand corner. It's brilliant stuff, and something you can get familiar with right now.
You will find the following:
Skill Checklist (XLSX)
Self and Peer Assessment (Evaluation Sheets, DOCX)
Posters for each Grade
(All DOCX file format)

2014_skill_checklist_final.xlsx |

2014_evaluation_sheets_final.docx |

1st_grade_skill_posters.docx |

2nd_grade_skill_posters.docx |

3rd_grade_skill_posters.docx |